In one paragraph, using examples from the cartoon or storybook, describe how males and females are represented: Are characters portrayed in gender-stereotyped roles? Are males and females equally represented in exciting plot activities?

Assignment 1: Evaluating Gender-Stereotyping

Watch a children’s cartoon or obtain a children’s storybook.

Tell me what cartoon your watched or what storybook you selected.

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In one paragraph, using examples from the cartoon or storybook, describe how males and females are represented:

  1. Are characters portrayed in gender-stereotyped roles?
  2. Are males and females equally represented in exciting plot activities?
  3. Are behaviors, attitudes, and characteristics of males and females characters strongly gender stereotyped?
  4. Overall, how would you evaluate the cartoon or storybook in terms of gender typing?
  5. What recommendations would you make to counter any influences observed?

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