In the essay “Screams on Screens”, Grant suggests the horror films reflect societal fears and anxieties. Research a horror film that came out in 2019, 2020, or 2021. What society fears is your film responding to?

ENGL101: College Composition
Instructor: Shannon Page
Essay Workshop (5%)
You will be required to participate in a peer-editing workshop using a rough draft or detailed
outline of your research essay. Your may use the outline provided on MyCC, or you can write
your own draft.
In order to participate in the workshop, you must have a complete outline or draft, including your
thesis statement, topic sentences, supporting points, and evidence from your research.
Workshops will take place over Zoom on the date outlined in the course schedule. In order to
receive credit for the workshop you must 1) be prepared for the workshop, and 2) complete the
self-reflection assignment on MyCC after the workshop is finished.
Essay (15%)
This part of the assignment will require you to analyse and discuss your topic – it is not just a
presentation of facts and evidence! The paper should be approximately 1650 words in length and
must follow MLA formatting and citation guidelines throughout. The final paper must also
contain the following elements:
– An introduction, conclusion, and clearly identifiable thesis statement
– Main discussion section: 4-7 paragraphs of evidence, analysis, examples, expert
testimony etc.
– MLA style bibliography that includes a minimum of 5 sources. At least 3 of these
sources must be academic/scholarly in nature and each source must be cited at least once
in the body of the paper.
PLEASE NOTE: No more than 30% of your paper may be another’s referenced works or ideas
– if your paper simply reassembles sources from elsewhere without the addition of your own
thoughts, then this constitutes a breach of academic honesty/integrity and could result in a grade
of 0 on the assignment.
Interview (5%)
You will answer questions about your research project during a 10-minute Zoom interview with
the instructor. This is your opportunity to demonstrate your understanding of your chosen topic
and your knowledge of the course content in a format other than writing. Interviews will be
scheduled during class time in weeks 13 and 14.
Note that these topics are all quite broad, you will have to decide what you want to focus on and
narrow down the topic considerably for your final paper.
1. Explore a topic from one of the chapters of Vowel’s book that we have not covered in
class (examples include: Metis and/or Inuit identity and status, “The myth of the Level
Playing Field”, two-spirit and queer Indigenous identity, etc.). Please note: if you choose
this topic, the chosen chapter from Vowel MUST be cited in your final paper.
2. Research the way(s) that Indigenous Peoples are portrayed in the news today and relate
your findings to the arguments that Chelsea Vowel presents in Indigenous Writes. If you
choose this topic, you must provide an analysis of a MAXIMUM of TWO news stories.
The news stories do not count as scholarly sources. Please note: if you choose this topic,
you must cite Vowel in your final paper.
3. In the essay “Screams on Screens”, Grant suggests the horror films reflect societal fears
and anxieties. Research a horror film that came out in 2019, 2020, or 2021. What society
fears is your film responding to? Please note: if you choose this topic, you must get my
approval on your film before you begin the paper. Grant’s essay must also be cited
directly in your essay

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