In you research paper, I want you to choose  a philosopher (of your choice) which we have not covered in the course, discuss his political theory, and try to approach it (maybe contrast it) with one or more of the philosophers we covered (plato, Aristotle, alfarabi, ibn khaldoun, st. augustiene, st. thomas, martin luther, machiavelli, thomas hobbes, john locke, hegel, and marx.)

Topic: Over this course we have discussed the philosophy of several ,major political thinkers. In you research paper, I want you to choose  a philosopher (of your choice) which we have not covered in the course, discuss his political theory, and try to approach it (maybe contrast it) with one or more of the philosophers we covered (plato, Aristotle, alfarabi, ibn khaldoun, st. augustiene, st. thomas, martin luther, machiavelli, thomas hobbes, john locke, hegel, and marx.)

800-1000 words.

any referencing style is acceptable as long as it is an internationally recognized one.

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any font is acceptable.

minimum resources: 4 online (considering the lockdown I know you might not be able to access libraries and books)

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