Instructions For this assignment, you will read a case and answer a series of questions concerning an analysis of ethical considerations governing marketing practices, as leaders are responsible for s2022-06-01 Answers

InstructionsFor this assignment, you will read a case and answer a series of questions concerning an analysis of ethical considerations governing marketing practices, as leaders are responsible for such endeavors. Begin by reading the following case, which can be located within the Business Source Ultimate database of the CSU Online Library.Datamonitor. (2010, July). Ambush marketing case study: Successfully leveraging high-profile events to raise brand profile. Retrieved from, draft a two-page paper by addressing each of the following items:In your own words, how would you describe “ambush marketing”? Include two examples with your description.What are the advantages and disadvantages (risks and consequences) of ambush marketing?What was Bavaria Beer hoping to achieve through its ambush marketing tactics?Would you consider Bavaria Beer’s ambush marketing an unethical practice or simply a competitive strategy? Explain.Can ambush marketing be both intentional and unintentional? Explain.As a leader of an organization, would you allow the practice of ambush marketing? Explain.Be sure to demonstrate a clear analysis as you address each question. Use APA style to format your assignment. For assistance in formatting your paper, refer to the Citation Guide. You are not required to complete additional research for this assignment; however, if you do, use APA Style to cite your sources.

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