Instructions For this scholarly activity, develop a supporting human resource (HR) plan for an organizational strategy by completing the following tasks: Research a company that has undergone (or atte2022-05-31 Answers

InstructionsFor this scholarly activity, develop a supporting human resource (HR) plan for an organizational strategy by completing the following tasks:Research a company that has undergone (or attempted to undergo) a shift in organization or culture within the past five years. This shift must have been a result of innovation. Some examples of companies that have gone through this change are Apple, General Motors, Marvel, Delta Airlines, Starbucks, Old Spice, J. Crew, CBS, Pabst Blue Ribbon, Nintendo, Converse, Lego, and Lacoste.Describe the organization or culture before and after the shift. Has the shift been successful (e.g., made the company more profitable or influenced the employees to be more productive employees), or did the shift fail?Layout the human resource plan you would suggest for the company you have chosen. Explain your choices.Your analysis of a company and proposed HR plan should consist of a minimum of three pages (maximum of four) of text. You are required to use at least one outside source to support your explanation and plan. Your scholarly submission should be formatted in accordance with APA style.

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