Instructions: In this unit, you have learned about the importance of using sources of existing data. For this assignment, you will be the researcher using existing data from the report Prisoners in 202022-06-25 Answers

PowerPoint Assignment Instructions:In this unit, you have learned about the importance of using sources of existing data. For this assignment, you will be the researcher using existing data from the report Prisoners in 2017 in the State of Minnesota found at: Bureau of Justice Statistics report is based on data from the National Prisoner Statistics (NPS) program. You will use this data to discuss the change in the prisoner population in your state as you prepare the corrections budget for the next year. You will want to review the full report. Your presentation should include the items listed below.Include an introduction of your role in the agency.You will want to include your title as well as he agency for which you are completing the presentation. Please be creative with the title.Explain the source of the data (i.e., the NPS)Ensure that you include background information on the NPS, including who collects the data, how often it is collected, and which states report the data.Identify the problemExplain why it is necessary to gather the information from the NPS.Report the dataUsing Table 2 within the website link (, report the following data from the State of Minnesota:number of male and female prisoners in 2016,number of male and female prisoners in 2017,number of total prisoners in 2016,number of total prisoners in 2017, andpercent change in male, female, and total prisoners from 2016 to 2017.Using Table 7 within the website link ( , report the following data from the State of Minnesota:number of 2016 admissions,number of 2017 admissions,percent change of admissions from 2016 to 2017,number of 2016 releases,number of 2017 releases, andpercent change of releases from 2016 to 2017.Analyze the informationExplain how the NPS information will be analyzed in order to help with creating a correctional budget for the next year.Your presentation must be a minimum of nine slides in length, not counting the title and reference slides. It must be at a Master’s level in quality and writing. Since you will be using the linked report, it should at least be cited and referenced using APA Style (you must create and implement the citation for the website link above). In addition to the report, at least one other source is required. Any images used must be cited and referenced as well.

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