Instructions Negligence Review a current article related to a patient’s rights being violated by a health care provider. The article can be taken from a wide variety of journals, magazines, and newspa2022-06-12 Answers

InstructionsNegligenceReview a current article related to a patient’s rights being violated by a health care provider. The article can be taken from a wide variety of journals, magazines, and newspapers, such as Hospitals, National Law Journal, Business Week, Newsweek, Time, and The New York Times. You can also choose an article from the CSU Online Library.Provide a summary of the article.Discuss the facts of the case.Indicate whether the violation was an example of negligence or an intentional tort. Explain your reasoning.Discuss the outcome, and state if you agree or not and why or why not.Explain the responsibility of health care providers to protect their patients from harm.State three lessons to be learned from the case.Use subheadings for each of the sections to be discussed.Your review of the article must be at least two pages in length and use at least three sources, including the article being reviewed. One source must come from the CSU Online Library. Adhere to APA Style when constructing this review, including in-text citations and references for all sources that are used. Please note that no abstract is needed.

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