Instructions Read Case 9.6 “The ‘Now’ Wedding-Part A and Part B” of your textbook, and imagine that you are in charge of planning the wedding discussed in the case. After reading the case, address the2022-05-23 Answers

InstructionsRead Case 9.6 “The ‘Now’ Wedding-Part A and Part B” of your textbook, and imagine that you are in charge of planning the wedding discussed in the case. After reading the case, address the following prompts based on the case details.Determine and describe the known and unknown risks that may prevent the wedding from taking place on January 21, including those listed in Part B. What are some ways that these risks will affect the wedding planning project?Describe how you, as the wedding planner, will respond to these risks to ensure that the wedding will still occur on the predetermined date.Your response should be a minimum of one page in length and formatted as an essay. Citations and references are not required; however, if outside sources are used, please adhere to APA Style when creating citations and references for this assignment. APA formatting, however, is not necessary.

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