Introduction: state what you know about Derby, the DerbyName web services, and the format of the data that your app must access.Describe the requirements for your app design (see textbook page and fol2022-06-25 Answers

Introduction: state what you know about Derby, the DerbyName web services, and the format of the data that your app must access.Describe the requirements for your app design (see textbook page and follow your project work).Discuss some absolute necessities (principles) for designing mobile app interfaces (see your research paper).Describe issues you learned or encountered in preparing for this project – incompatible computer/laptop, in visioning and planning a multi-platform app., etc.Discuss what toolsets or framework(s) are available and are necessary to do enterprise development for this app platform of choice – what are some plusses and minuses of these tools?Discuss any special function(s) that is/are unique to the platform that you modeled (see textbook chapter).Mention the wireframing/modeling tool that you used.Discuss each UI element used in modeling your app.Mention why it is needed and how this UI element is needed to meet the functionality and app requirementsRecommentation: Make an argument, as you did in your research paper, for cross-platform frameworks for developing moble app

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