Linguistic and Cultural Issues in Translation: Differences between English and Chinese.

I will pay for the following article Linguistic and Cultural Issues in Translation: Differences between English and Chinese. The work is to be 5 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page. The paper will discuss the linguistic and sociocultural issues in translating texts across languages with specific reference to English and Chinese in terms of language and culture.

Free of forced migration and increased globalization has increased the need for people to communicate in multiple languages. This has created the need for language translations. Various issues arise in the process of translating literary texts. On a global scale, English is regarded as a working language for many people. Bush (1998:127) defines translation as an original subjective activity at the center of a comprehensive social and cultural practice network.

As cited by Moll and González (2008), pursuing a second language: assists the people in utilise their first language with greater purpose and precision. knowledge of a second language helps the students to be interconnected with the world. in the global economy, a second language opens the door to job opportunities. finally, language knowledge is vital to humanistic inquiry into the histories and cultures of the world.

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Mossop et al. (2005) argue that translational language arises from a certain form of communication. Munday (2009) notes that language and language varieties are closely linked to regional and personal identity construction issues. During the translation process, it has been found that interaction between two or more cultures leads to the creation of a hybrid text. The text that appears in the original text appears to adopt some of the features in the source culture’s text. The article read was originally in Chinese, but the English version appeared to have adopted Chinese culture features.

The concept of culture is very crucial in translation. Culture relates to intellectual development, socially conditioned aspects of human life such as religion, customs, education, political institutions, and history.

As noted by New Mark (1998:201), the literary English language that was used to translate the document remained aesthetically pleasing, and there was a constant tension between aesthetic and informative functions of language.

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