Next Steps Simulation: Connecting the CommunityOverview:This short assignment is the final section of your paper. It is intended to furnish students the opportunity to imagine scaling-up their researc2022-05-25 Answers

Next Steps Simulation: Connecting the CommunityOverview:This short assignment is the final section of your paper. It is intended to furnish students the opportunity to imagine scaling-up their research for further development.For assignment length, estimate between 1000 words (about 2 pages, double spaced).Instructions:Imagine you work for a county health agency where you have been tasked to further develop the research project you did for this class. You are supervising a staff of 3-5 college graduates. As part of your task, you are required to demonstrate how you will incorporate community-based partners into further developing your research. Choose any ONE of the following specific options.Summarize how you would propose to fill any service gap you identify in your paper by connecting with a community-based organization (or organizations) or proposing how you would go about organizing a start-up organization if none exists. Identify just the initial steps you’ll try to accomplish.Briefly explain how you imagine utilizing the staff that you have.Explain how you would initiate the design of an online portal of service providers addressing the CHI your paper covers AND how you will incorporate community-based organizations in the design process. Identify just the initial steps you’ll try to accomplish.Briefly explain how you imagine utilizing the staff that you have.Some other idea you have in mind that is worth devoting staff time for developing. Identify just the initial steps you’ll try to accomplish.Briefly explain how you imagine utilizing the staff that you have.

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