prepare and submit a paper on frankish peasant during the time of charlemagne.

I remember as a child playing with my brothers at the backyard. Our home was small, or rather very small if I compare it to the nobles or other peasants who owned more land. However, despite its size, we managed to live pretty comfortably. Our home had two main rooms and a kitchen where my mother was usually found busy doing various chores. Despite her usual chores that already seemed time-consuming to me, she would get super busy during harvest time. Both my mother and father would go early in the morning to the field and bring the harvest back by noon, spreading it in front of the house. She really worked hard during those days. I had little idea that I would end up with a similar destiny. As we grew up, my brothers started helping my father with his work and I started helping my mother with hers. Till then I had known little that how “hard” the work really was, despite the fact that I already thought my mother worked hard. I was married to a peasant Deodata when I was still very young. Entering into the new house and adjusting to a different environment was a difficult task. But I slowly got accommodated to the new situation. Deodata belonged to a different village, and hence I hated traveling to a different village. The first impression I had of him after I saw his house was that he was a richer peasant compared to my father. His home was bigger compared to my father’s. It was still not as big as those of nobles but it was definitely bigger than my father’s. The basic layout of the house and fields were still the same though. Even so, the house was more spacious.

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