prepare and submit a paper on including earth and space sciences homework.

. Solve for K F=(Kq1*)&nbsp. F*= Kq1 Thus K= [F*)] * (q1)-1When the word electron and a proton is mentioned, there must be provided with an applied voltageMeasurements in this course should be calculated in Meters m, thus convert cm to m.The equation used with voltage and velocity is the qV=mv2Units used to calculate electricity bill is the kilowatt-hour kWhThe approximate cost of one you it of electricity is 15 cents/kWhUnit of energy is Joules J= PowerTypical Rating of a light bulb in watts Varies from 20 watts, 40 watts, 60 watts, 75 watts, 100 watts.Typical Watts of a hair drier 1200-1875 Watts

Current drawn by a typical hair drier that uses a voltage of 120V P=V*I thus= 10A

&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp. = 15.625 A

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Thermostat setting in winter 200C (680F)Thermostat setting in summer 780 F to 850F when away from homeThe long a shower I usually take is 5 minutes or 0.12hrsCapacitors can be termed as components that store electric charge and have several uses such as Timer circuits, Suppression, coupling, Power factor correction, power conditioning, motor starters, and signal processing.

Review of Basic Math skills and concepts0001m2= 1 cm2000001m3= 1 cm31,000,000 cm3=1 m310, 000cm2= 1 m21,000,000µC = 1 C1C= 1,000,000µC1m= 1000mm1000mm=100cm

Review of Course Skills and conceptsAn electron volt is a unit of energy approximately equal to 1.60217657 x 10-19 That is the amount of energy gained or lost by the charge of a single (solitary) electron enthused and moved across an electric potential difference of one volt.Trigger words for the use of centripetal force equation will include movement in a circular path as well as the presence of a mass of the electronUnits of distance are meters m, speed and acceleration is meters per second and meter per square second respectively, in the MKS system of unitsUnit of force and energy in the MKS system of unitsUnit of charge q is coulomb COhm’s Law: The current through a conductor between two points is directly proportional to the PD), the potential difference across the two pointsUnit of area is square meters m2Unit of Volume is cubic meters m3The typical monthly electricity bill in my house is 70kWh* 15 cents/kWh 1050 cents dollarThe capacitor can be termed as components that store electric charge and have several uses such as Timer circuits, Suppression, coupling, Power factor correction, power conditioning, Motor starters, and signal processing.

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