prepare and submit a paper on information security challenges and technologies. At the present, the majority of business organizations rely on data and information to carry out their daily tasks.

Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on information security challenges and technologies. At the present, the majority of business organizations rely on data and information to carry out their daily tasks. In fact, these data and information are extensively shared in almost all the business communication processes amongst associates, workers, clients, and other stakeholders. On the other hand, the technical potential of web-based technology such as the emergence of the Internet has offered an excellent opportunity to business organizations for collecting, sharing, and distributing data and information, with relative easiness. In spite of a number of security initiatives, customers and business organizations are still worried about the security of data and information. In this scenario, these issues create the need for organizations to manage information security in a proper and effective manner. In order to ensure information security, organizations integrate a task to look after customers and governmental proprietary data and details by guaranteeing observance with the laws and regulations. Basically, information security is the set of rules and regulations, tools, techniques, and measures that organizations follow in order to ensure the security of their organizational resources (Northern Illinois University, 2007. Sipior & Ward, 2008. Grimaila, 2004). This paper discusses challenges for information security and also discusses the solutions to deal with these challenges.

At the present, there have emerged a wide variety of security issues that make information security a real challenge. In this scenario, one of the most important issues of information hacking. In their daily lives, people often face or see this kind of security issue. Additionally, people all around the world with negative intentions steal someone’s personal information with the intention of making illegal use of it. This&nbsp.personal information can comprise several sensitive and private things, for instance, computer passwords, email passwords, social security numbers, credit card numbers,s and a number of others.

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