prepare and submit a paper on new trend in the cosmetic industry.

The method was limited in that it did not identify males and females from different occupations. The data was collected generally from respondents without restrictions and this may have affected the validity and the reliability of the information.

This survey was done among females and males age 15-45 years to get their views on this new trend in the cosmetic industry. 51% of females in this study revealed the importance of plastic surgery in Korean society. 50% of females acknowledged the idea of plastic surgery as a way of maintaining relationships and getting advantages in getting employment opportunities thereby showing a greater correlation to the importance of surgery in modern Korean society. Moreover, 49% of females embraced the idea of plastic surgery and accepted that they get attracted to those who have undergone the surgeries. Even though only 40% of the females revealed their parent’s love for the surgery, but it was quite evident that a greater percentage would have resulted since some of the respondents declined to reveal their parent’s perception of the idea of plastic surgery. In addition, 50% of teenagers argued that plastic surgery improves relationships, friendships, and self-confidence. Lastly, a greater percentage of females regarded South Korea as the largest world market for cosmetics.

According to these findings of the study, male perceptions of plastic surgery decreased dramatically compared to those of females. Only 30% of males revealed the importance of plastic surgery in modern Korean society. However, 50% of males associated with plastic surgery with employment showing a stronger similarity to the females’ perception. Moreover, 50% of males regarded cosmetic plastic surgery to strengthen friendships and relationships. Last, only twenty percent of the males revealed their parent’s love for the idea of plastic surgery. Moreover, 20% of males viewed South Korea as the largest market for cosmetics

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