prepare and submit a paper on pr campaign proposal.

RACE steps are always in the form of four steps. The four steps that are involved in this process are research, action, communication, and evaluation. For the process to have a positive result, it is believed that there is a need for the steps to be carried out separately and independently. The steps should also follow the respective sequence (Watson & Noble, 2007). Failure to follow the sequence will imply that some steps might be meaningless, making the outcome of such activities undesirable.

At the research step, the museum should first start with researching on the problem that the museum is facing. By this they will have to know exactly what they aim at solving by the campaign. In between the year 2014 and 2015, the museum aims at undertaking a revamp so that they can make sure that the country’s cultural history is incorporated into the museum’s galleries and spaces. The museum also wants to make sure that they develop post-1965 chapter which they are sure that the people living in Singapore can personally relate to. Such revamps imply that the museum will have to make sure that the public is aware of the fact that they are carrying out such revamps and incorporation. It will be hard for people to come to get interactive with such involvement without being aware that they exist. Otherwise, the general public will just assume that the museum is just as it has always been. Therefore, the museum must find a way of letting the general public aware of the developments that have taken place in the museum.

The museum has a chance of giving the people of Singapore an experience that they had never had before. Looking at the diverse cultures that Singapore has it will be an experience that any person will be longing to have. The fact that there are many cultures also gives the museum many cultures to work with and not just one culture. They will also be the first museum in Singapore to involve themselves in such integration activities. There should also be some research done on the best way to reach out to the people of Singapore.

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