prepare and submit a paper on presenting to peers.

Additionally, as with any audience, the classroom audience appreciates clarity and brevity. Often, a number of students deliver presentations during one class. The ability to communicate in a clear and concise manner when presenting can add impact and interest for the audience. Conversely, presenters who ramble and provide extraneous detail can make a presentation boring and ponderous. Like knowing the audience, the appropriate level of detail presented in a clear and concise manner is critical to delivering a memorable and insightful message.

Skills applied in the classroom translate to any presentation setting, and can be a critical part of success in the business world. Particularly in a classroom setting, one should know one’s audience and understand the level detail needed for effective delivery of the material. Clarity and conciseness are vital to successful presentation and the presenter should tailor the delivery of the message to the unique audience in attendance as much as possible.&nbsp.&nbsp.

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