prepare and submit a paper on quantitative and academic skill in economy. The strength of mine includes the ability to think logically, which gets reflected in my Mathematical ability. That is, I was able to think logically from childhood because of which I was able to all the Math sums without difficulty.

Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on quantitative and academic skill in economy. The strength of mine includes the ability to think logically, which gets reflected in my Mathematical ability. That is, I was able to think logically from childhood because of which I was able to all the Math sums without difficulty. Even though I had good teachers to help me in Math, did all my homework, and had a good friend circle to discuss mathematical problems, I think having a logical mind helped me to shine better in Math. This ability in Math continued in the higher class as well. Apart from the ‘logical’ reason, I was interested in Math because of its image of being the Universal language. That is, there will be countries in which some languages will not be spoken, but Math will be there. For example, Zulu will not be spoken, maybe in Vietnam, but simple additions to high-level calculus will be practiced or calculated there. So, my interest and strength are, my ability to do Mathematical sums with ease.

Another strength of mine is my ability to motivate my friends in all situations, with the aid of my communication skills. My communication skills have been put to effective use on several occasions when I had been asked to make presentations to fellow students and other audience members.

Weaknesses will always block one’s targets. The problem area, which I consider as my weakness, is my fluency in English. Being from South Korea, my English is not that perfect, because of my mother tongue influences and due to lack of English speaking environment. With the daily conversations with my family members and friends always happening in Korean, I got little opportunity to use and converse in English. This affected my speaking and writing skills in English. So, when compared to my college mates, my English is a little weak.

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The weaknesses, I discussed in the above sections can be addressed by me, if I put in the efforts, and also due to the changing environment of being an International Student.&nbsp.

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