prepare and submit a paper on television is bad for the american society.

As the rise of technology makes television take precedence in most of the activities that the media engages in, it appears that, irrespective of the programs aired on television, there is continuing violence and nudity (Bushman & Bonacci, 2002). This paper discusses two American shows: Game of Thrones, and Transformers films. While television is informative and domineering in contemporary society, it is bad to American society because even though it underscores the need for entertainment, television also motivates brutality and immorality with people’s perceptions of the shows.

Pathos captures the emotional appeals that television portrays to the American society and those that have the capacity to inaugurate a “relationship” with the audience. For example, pathos will be used to describe specific scenes in the TV shows to create a personal link with the audience by reiterating the thesis statement that TV is bad for Americans. Ethos will be used to validate the main points using transitions to bring out factual evidence that support the successes of TV shows in moving the masses. For example, the use of supporting information about cable TV ratings rising due to the shows it airs to the public. In order to make most arguments logical, this paper will use logos by quantifying data, such as percentages and approximations to illustrate the extent to which television shows transforms behavior. The stronger usage of logos to construct a more viable argument will encourage both the audience to grab the explanation to the main ideas.

Media houses always seem to portray the notion that a series of nudity and violence in these shows keep viewers not only glued to their screens but also to specific channels. Currently, most American shows display a lot of skin, making women and girls think it is the right way to dress and entertain themselves. The gender representation in TV&nbsp.portrays women as sexually attractive, stereotypically taking on the characteristic of the commercial models and actresses. For example, in Transformers I, Megan Fox poses erotically in one of the scenes in which she leans over the hood of her car to attract motorists (Murray, 2014).

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