prepare and submit a paper on workplace violence prevention. After an incident of violence, HR should get the facts about the issue through investigation, talk to the employee about it and then take the necessary action in consistence with the laid out policies. (Mirza, 2011).

Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on workplace violence prevention. After an incident of violence, HR should get the facts about the issue through investigation, talk to the employee about it and then take the necessary action in consistence with the laid out policies. (Mirza, 2011).

What is the role of management in violence prevention?

The role of management in violence prevention is to hire and retain the best employees in the organization, get rid of any potential violence, reduce absenteeism, and stress in an organization. It should also foster a productive and supportive workplace in order to prevent violence in the workplace. Additionally, the management should communicate all situations or nature of the emergency in a clear language or in a public address to let the whole organization know what and where it is happening. It should also let the employees know who is responsible for managing crises.

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As an employee, if you observe bullying in your workplace, do you&nbsp.have a responsibility to do anything about it, even if it does not involve you directly?

As an employee, I have the responsibility of reporting any violence and bullying in the workplace to the management of law enforcement officers.


What steps could employers take to protect employees from workplace manifestations of domestic violence?&nbsp.

Employers should protect employees from domestic violence by not ignoring their plea for help when their boyfriends or husbands harass them at their workplace. They should protect them by not letting their spouses interfere with their employees’ work by making sure they do not enter the premises. Additionally, employers should report such cases to police administration if there are any cases of threats. This is because, according to DoriMeinert (2011), he claims that employers have been held accountable, and sued for ignoring pleas from their employees who later become victims of domestic violence inside their organization premises.

Why don’t more employers take a proactive role in addressing domestic violence?

Many employers do not actively participate in addressing domestic violence because they consider it none of their business as well as home affairs. They feel that domestic violence is a private issue and should not be addressed in the workplace.

How does a domestic violence prevention program benefit employers?

Programs that deal with violence prevention will be beneficial to employers because they will enlighten them on how to deal with such matters as well as how to help the employees who are victims of domestic violence.

What is your overall reaction to this article? What do you take away?

My overall reaction to this article is based on true facts that happen on a daily basis, where women are perpetrated by their boyfriends and husbands at the workplace. Many women are victims of domestic violence at the workplace, and therefore, employers should come up with ways of helping their employees to deal with the problem as it affects their productivity, morale and leads to an increase in health care costs(DoriMeinert, 2011).

Question 3: Cultural Differences

Regarding gender differences, what’s your reaction to the findings of how men and women handle conflict?

In terms of gender differences, men and women tend to handle conflicts differently. Men handle work conflicts on their own and have come up with their own mechanisms to deal with conflict in the workplace. On the other hand, women seek advice and help from the organization or colleagues. More women than men are emotionally affected by workplace conflicts.

In terms of generational differences, do you think that one age group has a better handle on conflict management than others?

In terms of generational diversity, I think the old age group is good at handling conflicts than the others. This is because the old age group is more experienced and tend to solve their conflicts in a mature manner and always looks for someone to help resolve conflicts than the young group.

What are your reactions to the various nationality differences?&nbsp. If you have lived outside the U.S., do you perceive conflict management differences between the U.S.

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