prepare and submit a term paper on Identity and Nonverbal Communication in the Virtual World.

&nbsp.People engage in this as a way to appear more confident and to place a degree of their personality upon their avatar. This becomes apparent in virtual role-playing games.

The virtual role-playing world can be seen as a good medium for interpersonal communication with other people. The virtual world helps create interpersonal communication that is beyond the nature of race and ethnicity of people. The real-life cultural barriers between people vaguely exist in the virtual world because a different kind of culture is created therein. While real-world stereotypes are set aside, virtual-based stereotypes exist and are commonly associated with characters based on virtual world attributes.

I have an avatar and account in the game World of Warcraft. I play the game when I have some spare and idle time. Usually, there are certain codes of etiquette in interacting with other players in the game. Nonverbal communication is important because a lot of interaction is judged either by action or mere status of a person’s avatar. Impression and deeds have a heavy bearing in the World of Warcraft, and it is also likely the case with other virtual role-playing games.&nbsp.

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