prepare and submit a term paper on The Development Of Management Principles Over The Decades. Your paper should be a minimum of 1750 words in length. At present, the work is supposed to be carried out by a basis of sharing and caring within the organization’s regimes which were not the case say two decades down the road.

You will prepare and submit a term paper on The Development Of Management Principles Over The Decades. Your paper should be a minimum of 1750 words in length. At present, the work is supposed to be carried out by a basis of sharing and caring within the organization’s regimes which were not the case say two decades down the road.

With the changing times, the business world has evolved and so have the different methodologies and the ways and means through which it is carried the day in day out. One needs to realize the fact that business is a consistently changing world and in this world only the people who are ready to change are successful. Thus to put it in the related context, change is the only constant in the world and in the business scheme of things, changing to suit the will and desire of the customers and/or the stakeholders as well as doing one last bit to bring in more revenues and profits for the company just plays the right trick for the business to succeed both in the short term as well as in the long run. (Cyert & March, 1963) Organizations that stagnate over a period of time and do not change because of one pressure or the other usually die out quickly. The ones that have existed thus far have relied a great deal on the phenomenon attached to change and consistent upgrading of the needs as put forward by the business and its norms.

Furthermore, the changing market structure might call for changing strategies and lines of action that would all target the people for whom the product is actually designed as well as the competitors with whom the clutter is being broken in the environs of the marketplace. Thus competition brings in more and more quality at the end of the company with regards to its products as well as more sales in the form of its varied and changed stance on focusing towards the customers rather than the product itself.

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