prepare and submit a term paper on What Does It Take to Make a Good Parent. Your paper should be a minimum of 250 words in length.

In this parental foundation, respect, love, and communication are the most vital aspects. Without them, very little goodwill exists between parent and child. Though it is true that children should automatically respect their elders, a lot can be said in relationships in which the parent earns the respect of their child and vice versa. Love is something that should be shown and reminded to a child on a daily basis, and numerous times during each day. A parent that can do this without going out of their way and making obvious attempts has mastered their true love for their child. Communication is the third aspect that must always be implemented, especially as the child grows older. Aside from being the protecting and leading parent, they must also make sure that they exist to their child as a friend.

As aforementioned, a good parent must be able to balance all of the potential roles in a child’s life. First and foremost, they are the parent. They protect, nurture, teach, and care for their child. As a friend, they are there to be a confidante. They might not always hear what they want to from their child, but they need to accept what is shared with them. The parent as a friend needs to be able to comfort, encourage, listen, and offer advice not only when the child seeks for it, but when the parent feels they can share it. Both of those roles all equate to unconditional love.

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