Provide a 9 pages analysis while answering the following question: Database Management Systems. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required.

Provide a 9 pages analysis while answering the following question: Database Management Systems. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. All the users of the system must be satisfied. It is, therefore, important that the underlying database, which is the core data source and storage, meet all the needs. This project aims to implement a possible underlying database for a General Practice. A General Practice is a people centered environment, thus details of people is important for any form of operations to be undertaken. Patients trickle in and are admitted while doctors treat patients and prescribe medicines. Patients can also be referred to other health institutions it sent to the laboratory for medical tests. All these activities have to be recorded somewhere, and in such a way that the records reflect on these important activities. Additionally, doctors and other health workers need this data to perform even basic tasks such as appointment and referrals. Diagnosis can also be made with the aid of a repository of possible diseases, which the doctor can use to decide on the next course of action. This system will use a database known as GP for General Practice.

We begin by identifying the main entities of the system. These are the the most obvious entities that will reflect on the database in its first normal. More entities can be derived from these so as to enable a normalized database when translating it to its physical schema.

For this project, we used MySQL Workbench Community Edition for the modeling as well as the physical design. The UML diagrams and SQL code in this report have been directly extracted from MySQL Workbench CE. Connection to the database was through the WampServer, which additionally holds the final database.&nbsp.

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