PSYCHOLOGICAL If you were to psychoanalyze the character of Elethia, what would you say that she might suffer from opens in new window? Take your clues from the text to understand her character. Look2022-07-13 Answers

PSYCHOLOGICALIf you were to psychoanalyze the character of Elethia, what would you say that she might suffer from opens in new window?  Take your clues from the text to understand her character. Look into psychological literature to argue this case.Psychoanalyze another character besides Elethia–for example, Albert Porter.HISTORICALConsider the time of the story–in what historical period is it set opens in new window? How do you know this? What clues can you find in the story? What do the critics say?How is the “time of the story,” and the time that Alice Walker wrote this story related? Why is it significant to the understanding of the story?FEMINISTElethia is a strong female character. What strengths does she have? Why are these strengths important? In what way does she embody feminist theory? opens in new windowUse outside sources and close reading to back up what you say?The idea of “Womanism” is a feminist theory attributed to Alice Walker. In what way does this work embody “Womanism” opens in new window? Use specific information from this story, and outside sources on Womanism to back up what you say.You can choose either of these topics and write about the story of Elethia. The story of Elethia is attached along with other resources. 

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