question One theme we have been discussing in week one is the impact of the association of sex, or certain types of sex, with harm and how this conception is linked to the view of active and passive roles in sexuality. For the four time periods discussed in the early portion of the class (Pre/Early History, Greek, early Jewish, early Christian), discuss whether and how sex has been linked to harm. Provide information and illustrations from a) the modules; b) the Symposium, c) Halperin, and d) Bullough.


One theme we have been discussing in week one is the impact of the association of sex, or certain types of sex, with harm and how this conception is linked to the view of active and passive roles in sexuality.

For the four time periods discussed in the early portion of the class (Pre/Early History, Greek, early Jewish, early Christian), discuss whether and how sex has been linked to harm.  Provide information and illustrations from a) the modules; b) the Symposium, c) Halperin, and d) Bullough.

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