Research and review at least three peer-reviewed articles from the last three years pertaining to health care communication. Imagine you are the health care administrator for Circa Health System.  Write at least 150 words describing best practices for communicating health information to patients and the public more generally.

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The legal, ethical, financial, and human risk factors involved, and the questions addressed in the scenario. Provide a recommended solution for the identified problem. Your initial post should be at least 150 words.

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Proper communication is an important aspect of performing as a professional. Understanding, utilizing active listening skills, and showing respect are all part of proper communication in the workplace.

Research and review at least three peer-reviewed articles from the last three years pertaining to health care communication. Imagine you are the health care administrator for Circa Health System.

Write at least 150 words describing best practices for communicating health information to patients and the public more generally. Be sure to cite your sources

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