research paper on coca cola and supply chain management. Needs to be 7 pages.

Need an research paper on coca cola and supply chain management. Needs to be 7 pages. Please no plagiarism. By saying the word optimal, it means that there are a number of management techniques available for today’s manager but the business has to opt for the one which could give the best fit for its business and operational process and cost structures. Moreover, it has a lot to do with the process that can be occurred in the post-sale scenario, for example, returning products, claiming warranties or repairing along with other operations of customer service management.

“design, planning, execution, control, and monitoring of supply chain activities with the objective of creating net value, building a competitive infrastructure, leveraging worldwide logistics, synchronizing supply with demand, and measuring performance globally”.

Different theories/books gave a different number of components of supply chain management but the general components remain the same. Those components include Inventory and forecasting, locations and logistics, marketing, information and communication mediums, product along with its design and development scenario, service and after-sale service issues, outsourcing and strategic alliance and lastly the global presence and its issues.

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The worker in logistics is the responsible person who has to procure, store, or distributes the product that is of the demand and preference of the customers. Also, the selection of products is of critical importance. The forecasting and procurement than play the role in order to figure of the demand of customers. Then the management decides how much to supply by seeing the demand trends and how much to store in order to meet future needs or emergency situations. The logistics management system is the drive of information flow among the partners of the process in order to communicate how much to supply when to supply and other essential information.

Management of the Supply chain has an integral role nowadays in almost every industry and its importance increased exponentially when the business is on a global scale. Well laid out process of supply chain process can result in an impenetrable competitive&nbsp.advantage.

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