research paper on quantitative and qualitative (dose clothes price influence cambridge ef student to purchase). Needs to be 7 pages.

Need an research paper on quantitative and qualitative (dose clothes price influence cambridge ef student to purchase). Needs to be 7 pages. Please no plagiarism. Stating precisely, as per the recent trend, the clothing price is getting cheaper than the previous trends. Correspondingly, in order to examine this notion, the students from the EF studies of Cambridge region will be observed in this study as subjects to answer the question as to whether they are being influenced by the clothing price.

The prime objective of the study is to analyse the recent prices of clothes in the area of Cambridge region in contrast with the trend observed around the globe. Besides, the study will also evaluate the extent to which, the recent clothing price has been affecting the purchasing power of EF students from the Cambridge region, based on the hypothesis developed below.

In the recent scenario, dressing style has become an important matter for the young generation, which is considered as a mechanism of imprinting one’s personality and superiority from their counterparts in the society. Observably, a large number of clothing or textiles companies have been paying more attention towards delivering quality services providing fashionable clothes to its consumers, based on their tastes and preferences. According to Allwood & et. al. (2006), the modern day clothing materials are getting cheaper, increasing scope for innovation in the industry dimensions. Notably, the modern trend clothing style is recognised as more fashionable rather than expensive and diverse, which indicates the perception of its users to differentiate themselves from others within the society. Allwood & et. al. (2006) further elaborated that in the year of 2000, aggregated consumer expenditure amounted at around US$1 trillion that also indicates the expanding boundaries of the industry.

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