research paper on security from global terrorism. Needs to be 8 pages. Please no plagiarism. As a state fails or declines, it leads to lost economic opportunities for the rest of the world (Alperen, 2011). However, apart from the lost economic opportunity, such nations pose a security threat to the rest of the world. This is why the study of failed states has become attention for many scholars as well as policymakers.

Need an research paper on security from global terrorism. Needs to be 8 pages. Please no plagiarism. As a state fails or declines, it leads to lost economic opportunities for the rest of the world (Alperen, 2011). However, apart from the lost economic opportunity, such nations pose a security threat to the rest of the world. This is why the study of failed states has become attention for many scholars as well as policymakers.

Unfortunately, there are not enough studies done in the area with regard to how these states pose a security problem to the rest of the world. At the same, there are few policies by global leaders such as the United States of America and the UK on the issue of failed states with regard to their contribution to global insecurity. This paper looks at the issue of failed states and how they relate to insecurity.

Failed states contribute to global insecurity in a number of ways, some of which are interconnected. While it is not possible to enumerate all of them, some are clear and obvious. Some of the most important factors with regard to how failed states increase the threat of insecurity are as follows.

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Failed states have been seen to be a training ground for terrorists and terror groups. Terror groups take advantage of the fact that there are no stable governments and security mechanisms in these nations and use that to create a good environment for their operations. A good example is Somalia where radical groups such as Al Shabaab have been seen to sympathize and work with Al Qaeda (Daniels, 2012). From these failed states, terror groups can plan their operations successfully without fear of being caught. As Menkhaus (2013) says, a look at the major terror groups in the world such as al Qaeda indicates that they only operate in the areas where there is no good government. The failed states present a double opportunity for these terror groups.

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