SHORT REFLECTION PAPER ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS OVERVIEW This reflection paper will apply the concepts of this course to everyday life. This course has overviewed several major theological concepts. T2022-07-01 Answers

SHORT REFLECTION PAPER ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONSOVERVIEWThis reflection paper will apply the concepts of this course to everyday life. This course has overviewed several major theological concepts. These concepts are foundation to your perspective about the world. Theological concepts are presuppositional concerning how you think through a subject. This is one of the major reasons that theology is hard to understand. There is a difference between a foundational belief and a simple belief concerning a certain topic. Theology done well enables you to use your foundational knowledge gleaned through systematic theology and then show its application in everyday life. For example, if you believe that humans are sinful, this will guide your approach toward the need for accountability no matter how good a person appears. In your field of study or in your personal life, what are the implications of believing some of the concepts expressed in the class?INSTRUCTIONSWrite a paper choosing one or two major concepts presented in the class and show their application in real life. Please follow the guidelines below: Length of assignment is 350-500 words Format of assignment will correspond with your program (APA, MLA, or Turabian)

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