Stages in the Evolution of Infrastructure and Database Server. The work is to be 5 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page. The series was having the qualities of time-sharing provision, multitasking, and virtual memory with advanced tools to use. These are still popular with unique qualities and models (Study, 2014).

I will pay for the following article Stages in the Evolution of Infrastructure and Database Server. The work is to be 5 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page. The series was having the qualities of time-sharing provision, multitasking, and virtual memory with advanced tools to use. These are still popular with unique qualities and models (Study, 2014).

The real invention of personal computers was introduced in the 1970s (such as the Xerox Alto, MITS’ Altai, Apple 1 and 2, etc) with limited accessories for the users. The real stage of Personal Computers introduction was in 1981 by IBM PC in the United States. These computers got popularity because of having DOS operating system, text-based command language, and then Microsoft Windows, etc. these computers also became the source of network usage all over the world (Study, 2014).

This is a real revolutionary stage of Client Servers’ invention by introducing laptop and desktop computers to link with powerful networks with numerous varieties and capabilities of services. This stage was the start of hardware and software revolution in the field of information technology (Study, 2014).

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A few researchers, such as Alvar and Leidner proposed knowledge management system by consisting of four categories for process, i.e. creation of knowledge, sharing of knowledge, transfer of knowledge, and application of knowledge. These categories help organizations to run effectively (Laha, 2008).

For the support of knowledge worker information, the computer should be manipulated automatically to manage the content. Because computers can resize the video and audio contents and can be stored for a long time very safely (Laha, 2008).

A database server is actually a computer program, which is used for the provision of database services for the other concerned computer programs or other computers by the defined client-server model. The term “database” is used to run the computer program very efficiently.&nbsp.

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