submit a 1250 words paper on the topic Strengths and Weakness of Collaborative Consultation for Students with Disabilities.

Hi, need to submit a 1250 words paper on the topic Strengths and Weakness of Collaborative Consultation for Students with Disabilities. The weaknesses surrounding the experience are the lack of enough teachers to serve the student population adequately. Trinity Elementary School experiences a shortage of staff, but they still manage to collaborate and provide the best learning opportunities. The people involved include teachers and students. From the interviews with both the assistant principal, the general education teacher Ms. Frank, and the special education teachers Ms. Pond and Ms. Field, it was evident that there was a shortage issue of special education teachers and lack of inclusive classroom’s programs. Since students in the inclusive classrooms have a disability therefore, they require teachers with the knowledge and a good understanding of how to handle students with learning disabilities.

One of the main issues is the absence of resources to implement inclusive service delivery in the school effectively. One reason why the inclusive classroom lacks resources to effectively implement is that there was less staff trained in dealing with students who in need of special education in inclusive classrooms. Some teachers who are trained to teach typical students how to read are the same teachers who are teaching the students with learning disabilities how to read and write because the special education teachers have filled up schedules. In addition, these same teachers even teach other technical subjects such as mathematics even without the required qualifications or training required for special education.

The strengths are that the school also has life skills, cross category, recourse, and three inclusive classes that help create awareness about students with special needs. In addition, it provides a favorable environment to allow both the students with disabilities and without disabilities to co-exist in a harmonious way. One major issue with this program is the gap in the public education sector that only equips school with reading teachers who are trained to teach the typical children. Therefore, they do not have enough teachers trained in special education.

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The other teachers, especially these of the kindergarten from 1st to 5th grades usually take about 45 minutes during the day, every day to plan how to approach their duties. Those teachers of students with special needs are a little busier, so they can only find time once a month to make their meetings.

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