submit a 1250 words paper on the topic What Happens in Italy.

An Italian couple who lives next door told me that last year they bought a Persepi for 2,000 Euros – can you believe THAT? That is when I decided that I just HAD to go see for myself.

I have not been up to much except for settling into my new surroundings. So far I like it here. I just wish I had come here in pleasanter circumstances. Don’t get me wrong, I still insist that I did the right thing by testifying against McDermott and his gang of thugs. I mean someone has to stand up for what is right and to help society uphold the law. We could not have murderers and thugs roaming around freely. However, I do wish that I did not have to “pay a price,” so to speak for doing the right thing.

Something really alarming happened to me today. Remember how I told you I was going to Real Teatro di San Carlo over the weekend? Well, as luck would have it, I heard that Nicola Luisotti would be conducting the opera that night and I was really excited all together. I left home early so that I could get in easily, without going through the hassle of waiting in line.

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Once inside, I just hung around and just observed everyone who had come to see the opera. It always delights me, as you know, to look at how people dress up when they go to a certain place. Anyway, imagine my surprise, nay horror, when I thought I caught a glimpse of Alex Profokiev, McDermott’s second in command of sorts, all dressed up in a bow tie and suit and hanging around the opera seers. I immediately hung back behind a few people. However, I kept my eyes on him, just to make sure that it was him.

At that moment, everyone started to go towards the entrance to the hall as the opera was about to start. I followed them inside, but I could not enjoy myself at all, as I kept trying to look for Profokiev.

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