submit a 1500 words paper on the topic Intercultural Reflection. Intercultural reflection and communication go hand in hand because they ensure that we as a community get a broader understanding of different needs in the community, the reason being that is why we were created, the history of our culture and that of other cultures and different philosophies that have come up during our existence.

Hi, need to submit a 1500 words paper on the topic Intercultural Reflection. Intercultural reflection and communication go hand in hand because they ensure that we as a community get a broader understanding of different needs in the community, the reason being that is why we were created, the history of our culture and that of other cultures and different philosophies that have come up during our existence.

The culture of the western people of western American culture is much diversified in that it is not only practiced by the Americans but also by other cultures such as Europe. Western culture is sometimes referred to as western civilization. This western culture has very different characteristics they include philosophy, literacy, legal themes, host of artistic and traditions. The western culture was not only shaped by the above themes, Christianity also played a major role in shaping it.

The western culture is neither homogeneous nor unchanging, similar to all cultures it has evolved gradually over time. The cultural and artistic modalities are of the western origin and these have been shown through the different artistic works including that of Monalisa among others the dances including ballet, ballroom dancing different sorts of music and instruments including the choral, country music, rock and roll hip hop.

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The western culture has grown enormous in that there are different modes of music and people have changed in different ways even moving away from their cultural beliefs for instance it is no longer an issue in the way of dressing, the different art that was believed to be valued has changed in time, the architectural works that were believed to be beautiful are now monumental and other sought of architectural work is coming up.

When I look into the Latin culture although almost similar to the western culture because of the way it is rich in culture that is the high art and literature which is similar to that of western culture and also it is folk art, music, and dance. Its religion is also rich and the customary practices that they practice and in the Latin American culture they have not moved away from those beliefs like the western people.

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