Task: Select a Tech Talk topic. To prevent duplicate chosen topics, post your chosen topic in the Tech Talk – Chosen Individual Topic Discussion Board on Canvas


Background: The more technical skill an information technology professional possesses, the more he or she will be called upon to communicate it.


Mission: To communicate a specific piece of knowledge verbally and in writing. This is an individual project.


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Task: Select a Tech Talk topic. To prevent duplicate chosen topics, post your chosen topic in the Tech Talk – Chosen Individual Topic Discussion Board on Canvas. Topics will be chosen on a “first come first serve” basis. If another student has already picked your chosen topic and posted it to the discussion board, you must select another topic. Chosen topic must ably combine concepts about organizations, applications, and technology.


Your topic must be chosen and posted to the Tech Talk – Chosen Individual Topic Discussion Board by September 27th at 11:59pm CST.

Task: Research the topic in depth; collect at least 10 substantial sources (magazine or journal articles, online resources, etc).
Task: Develop a presentation, complete with visuals. Record your presentation and post it to the Tech Talk Presentation Discussion Board on Canvas.
Task Write an accompanying research paper. Included in the paper should be the 10 references on which the research was based. Use the Citation Guide for proper referencing.


Deliverable: A 15-minute professional-quality recorded presentation.
Deliverable: A research report (approximately 10 pages double-spaced) on the selected topic.


Quality: For your presentation, proofread your slides, rehearse your talk, and overall try to make a good professional effort.
Quality: For the research report, avoid some common errors:

·         Use subheadings to organize your text into clear sections.  It will help you focus your writing and will help readers navigate through the text.

·         Reference properly in the text; all ideas and quotations need a reference.  Then write up your resources as complete references in your bibliography.  Check the course Citation Guide posted in Canvas to help you do this well.


Deadline: Both the presentation and the research paper are due on December 13th at 11:59pm CST.
Points: 250 Points











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