The essay should be 7-9 pages. APA formatting should be used throughout (cover page, running header, major heading, subheadings, in-text citations, and reference list). Any time you paraphrase or dire2022-07-12 Answers

The essay should be 7-9 pages. APA formatting should be used throughout (cover page, running header, major heading, subheadings, in-text citations, and reference list). Any time you paraphrase or directly quote a source, in-text citations should be used. A full APA-formatted reference should be included at the end of the assignment. The essay should include the following subheadings:DefinitionsConceptualizes raceOperationalizes raceCensus Bureau changesHow changes to variables affect conclusionsReflectionFirst, provide a definition of the terms: “conceptual definition” and “operational definition”.Next, conceptualize and operationalize the variable “race.”Read the Census Bureau’s report on race.Answer the following questions after reading the report:What changes did the Bureau make to the conceptualization and operationalization of race in the 2010 census?Why did the Bureau make these changes?Could the difference in operationalization produce different conclusions about race?Does the Bureau’s conceptualization and operationalization of race coincide with yours? If so, how? If not, what is different?

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