This 3,500-word report   It requires that you select a firm from anywhere in the world and apply Porters Fives Forces Model to its current market position as well as the suggestion of either a Cost-Leadership or a Differentiation strategy and justifications for this.

Assessment 3

Subject: Strategic Management Theory


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Description: This 3,500-word report


It requires that you select a firm from anywhere in the world and apply Porters Fives Forces Model to its current market position as well as the suggestion of either a Cost-Leadership or a Differentiation strategy and justifications for this.


  • Executive summary.
  • Current market status for the firm.
  • Application of Porters Five Forces Model to the firm.
  • Proposed strategy (cost leadership or differentiation).
  • Justifications for choice of strategy


Words count: 3,500 words (+/- 10%) not including reference list.






The work will require that you use a minimum of 10 references of which 5 need to be academic and 5 can be from the firm’s web site, business news and other credible sources of information.


Plagiarism: less than 10%




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