Unethical Experiment Data | genius home works

watch a short video created by an English student. This video is not perfect, but it does help raise an important question: Should we use data from unethical experiments? This video examines a few different cases, mentioning the Nazi medical experiments as well as the experiments done at the Willowbrook facility, and even briefly mentions the Tuskegee Syphilis study we discussed in Session 2. Important: this video claims that utilitarians would allow unethical research if the gains outweighed the possible drawbacks. I disagree. This view of utilitarianism is simplistic because it fails to take into consideration the LONG TERM effects of the cases; rather this student only considers the immediate, short term effects. A “good” Utilitarian considers both long and short term consequences.
So…what do you think? Should we use data form unethical experiments? In your answer, draw on the Section 1 “Readings” from Chapter 2 (The Willowbrook Letters, Judgement on Willowbrook, The Principles of the Nuremberg Code, the Belmont Report, and Philosophical Reflections on experimenting with Human Subjects.)

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