Unit VI Homework Instructions This assignment has three parts. All three parts will be completed in the Unit VI Homework Template . Part 1: Consider the following statement: penicillins kill bacteria2022-06-29 12:06:24GraduateWriterhelp.com Answers

Unit VI HomeworkInstructionsThis assignment has three parts. All three parts will be completed in the  Unit VI Homework Template .Part 1: Consider the following statement: penicillins kill bacteria. How can you prove penicillins kill bacteria?Part 2: List, at least, one example of a reliable source of information you can use to prove penicillins kill bacteria. Is your source reliable? Why? Explain your answers.Part 3: Identify the premise or premises from your argument in your answer to question 1 and your conclusion.View the  Unit VI Sample Homework for an example of how your completed assignment should look. Your completed assignment must be at least one page in length, and you must use at least one resource from the CSU Online Library to support your defense. This Developing Keywords for Database Searches video will help you with research for your assignment.Adhere to APA Style when creating citations and references for this assignment. APA formatting, however, is not necessary. No more than 15–20% of your assignment should include outside information. The idea is to use some evidence to help defend your argument.

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