What approach(es) should we pursue? Why?

Optional. Solving the Plastic Problem (and ending poverty?)COLLAPSEThe German Packaging Act, based on the principle of ‘extended producer responsibility’ (EPR) aims to reduce packaging waste and improve recycling rates by holding producers, including importers and retailers, responsible for placing packaged products on the market. Fees must be paid to cover the recycling costs of their packaging waste.An alternative idea is presented in the TED Talk:David Katz. “Social Plastic”: Solve ocean plastic pollution and end extreme povertyIf you’re unfamiliar with the Like many of you, I value the convenience of plastic, but am trying to decrease my use of plastic because I’m appalled by the impact on the environment. What approach(es) should we pursue? Why?(If you’re unfamiliar with the problem of plastic, please see The Plastic Problem, Nov. 27, and for more on the problem with water pollution, Poisoned Waters both in the “Good to Know” section on your schedule).

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