What are the challenges of executing your project? How      can you overcome these obstacles? How will you ensure the quality standards are met?      Please discuss the metrics.

For this assignment, you will use the Personal Nice Shoe Project sheet uploaded below and focus on executing, monitoring, and controlling, and closing to answer questions.

Here are the requirements for each of these process groups:


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  • What are the challenges of executing your project? How      can you overcome these obstacles?
  • How will you ensure the quality standards are met?      Please discuss the metrics.

Monitoring & Controlling

  • What are the steps you will take to implement changes?      How will you avoid scope creep?
  • How will you communicate the changes to impacted      stakeholders?


  • What are the lessons learned from this project? That      is, what went well, and what did not go well?

Please note that the assignment should be 8 to 10 pages in length (excluding title page and the reference page) following APA format 6th edition. Make sure the assignment is a word document. Include credible references at the e

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