What can you do to train yourself – prepare yourself – as a potential future leader, to be mentally strong and decisive in the event of a crisis?

What can you do to train yourself – prepare yourself – as a potential future leader, to be mentally strong and decisive in the event of a crisis? If and when that day comes, you don’t want to collapse into the floor like a spineless, disoriented jellyfish. One of the marks of a great leader is the ability to keep a cool, clear-thinking head in a hot situation. And it’s not always about a crisis. As a leader, you are likely to have to make a tough call from time to time. And it will be made tough by factors such as the nature of the problem, the complexity of the circumstances, any controversy surrounding the situation, the characteristics of your team, any and indications that the best course is likely going to be a bitter, unpopular pill for your team or organization to swallow.

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