What is the origin of Enron financial scandal? What type of business the Enron was engaged in? Why the scandal happened? What went wrong?

  1. Institution/Financial Scandal


            Instructions Section A

 There are three Financial institutions given below. Student must incorporate these point in the assignment.

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  1. Enron
  • What is the origin of Enron financial scandal?
  • What type of business the Enron was engaged in?
  • Why the scandal happened? What went wrong?
  • How the regulator and analyst were not aware? How Enron had hidden such scandal? What was the role of regulators/regulations?
  • Why was there sudden decline in share price of Enron?
  • Why high share prices were normal after dot.com bubble?
  • Why mark to market method is blame for this scandal?


  1. Worldcom


  • What is the origin of Worldcom financial scandal?
  • What type of business the Worldcom was engaged in?
  • Why the scandal happened? What went wrong?
  • com has cook the books? If yes, how?
  • How the regulator and analyst were not aware? How Enron had hidden such scandal? What was the role of regulators/regulations?


  1. Lehman Brothers
  • What is the origin of Lehman Brothers financial scandal?
  • What type of business the Lehman Brothers was engaged in?
  • Why the scandal happened? What went wrong?
  • What was the role of accounting standards in Lehman Brothers scandle?








  1. Financial Institutions and Market in Oman


  1. Classify Depository and Non-depository financial institution in Oman?
  2. What are regulatory requirement for listing companies stock market in Oman?
  3. How companies issue stocks on Muscat Securities exchange?
  4. Do Oman have investment banks? How investment banking play role in financial markets in Oman?
  5. What are different indexes used in Muscat securities Market and how these indexes are constructed?
  6. What are different capital market and money market instruments are available for investment in Oman?






  1. Monetary Policy and Interest rates in Oman
  1. How central bank manage monetary policy in Oman?
  2. What different monetary policy tools available used by central bank of Oman to control money supply in economy?

























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