What new tools did you learn about? (include links) What strategies did you learn about for using these tools? What ideas were new to you, or what new thoughts/connections did you have when exploring these new tools?

For Blog Post 3 you will be discussing online teaching tools.

For all blog posts, you should focus on what you’re learning from the readings and from the lecture. (I have uploaded the readings, you just need to choose some chapters to read and noted which chapter from which book you read on the references page) for the blog post, just focus on the new ideas, new tools, and interesting examples that you are pulling from the readings. Around 500 words

For Blog Post 3, focus on the following questions:

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  • What new tools did you learn about? (include links)
  • What strategies did you learn about for using these tools?
  • What ideas were new to you, or what new thoughts/connections did you have when exploring these new tools?
  • Did anything surprise you in the readings?
  • Do you have any pushbacks, critiques, or disagreements with what you read?
  • attachment

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