When marketers discuss market segmentation the conversation soon turns to include the concept of target marketing. What is the meaning and purpose of “target marketing”? How and why is target marketing used? Present some examples of target marketing to support your views.

When marketers discuss market segmentation the conversation soon turns to include the concept of target marketing. What is the meaning and purpose of “target marketing”? How and why is target marketing used? Present some examples of target marketing to support your views.

To ensure immediate feedback, please submit a response between 900 and 1000 words. Essay length alone will not necessarily result in a high or low score.

As the world is shrinking and businesses are more commonly working on an international level, understanding the differences among countries is becoming key in successful business. Assume you are an executive in a large corporation that just acquired a business in Brazil. Develop a strategy for managing the social, cultural, economic, legal, and political differences you will encounter when operating this new business.

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