. Working with your media lens of Plato’s cave allegory, reflect on a time when you’ve witnessed people around you treating a new technology as if it were the ‘sun’ from Plato’s cave allegory. What did you notice initially? A few months or years later?

Working with your media lens of Plato’s cave allegory, reflect on a time when you’ve witnessed people around you treating a new technology as if it were the

‘sun’ from Plato’s cave allegory. What did you notice initially? A few months or

years later?

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2. Reflect on any line, probe, phrases from the excerpt you read in the Gutenberg Galaxy.

3. Reflect on ways that you see digital technology changing what is often considered a print-dominant culture or how you see new manifestations of orality and literacy manifesting in the ‘global village.’ Or…if you want to critique McLuhan’s idea of the global village, that is an option as well!

4. Reflect on the image posted of American media conglomerates. What stands out to you? 

5. Choose a few lines from the Understanding Media reading for this week and write your reflection in response to those lines. Paste them on the top of your page and write about why they stood out to you, what it makes you think about, etc. They could be representing an idea you really like, something that confused you or something you disagreed with. It really doesn’t matter- as long as you are engaging with the ideas represented in the lines you choose.

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