Write 1 page thesis on the topic my greatest strengths.

The unique thing about me is that I bring fresh perspectives and original insights into the way I work and help others realize their potential as well. This aspect of mentoring and stimulating the other members of the team to do their best makes me a natural leader. Compared to other graduates, I believe that my superior research skills and ability to organize myself and the team to face challenges put me at an advantage.

What is your Value Message?

I bring the values of honesty, accountability and an ability to meet challenges head on to the table. I am transparent in my dealings and if I am given some responsibility, I ensure that I am accountable as well. Combined with the ability to rise up to challenges, these values make me an ideal person to lead a team. Further, I can subordinate my individual goals to the needs of the team making me a team player as well. Hence, this ability to be a part of the team as well as lead a team makes me versatile and skillful at my job.

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I will show my value to the prospective employer by telling him about the most significant challenge that I have faced in my life so far and recounting the details of how I overcame the challenge. The challenge being mentioned is about how I led from the front when faced with an intractable problem that required out-of-the-box thinking to arrive at a solution.

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