Write 1 page with APA style on Achievements of Public Health. Developments in public health practices have increasingly addressed multiple social issues from time to time.

Write 1 page with APA style on Achievements of Public Health. Developments in public health practices have increasingly addressed multiple social issues from time to time.

One of the most outstanding achievements of public health is the prevention, cure, and control of infectious diseases, improved sanitation, and reduced incidences of cholera, typhoid, tuberculosis, and sexually transmitted diseases (Novick, Morrow, & Mays, 2008). All these public health components are accounted for by the fifth great public health achievement in the textbook. This achievement has gone a long way in transforming the face of the contemporary society. Preventative and curative measures are in place to manage, control, and oversee public health development. On the same note, improved sanitation translates to a better quality of life. When the society leads a healthy life, there is less likelihood of public health crisis. This achievement, therefore, averts public health crisis by empowering the society to take control of its welfare.

In conclusion, the above achievement is great because it accounts for the most basic components of a healthy society. Food, water, and shelter are influential as far as public health is concerned. With improved sanitation and reduced disease incidences in society, people’s overall lifestyles exhibit high-quality practices. This is undoubtedly a great achievement in the public health domain.

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