Write 20 pages with APA style on The impact of Compliance on an organisations existing information technology security.

Moving a bit more, a detailed discussion has been undertaken to throw light on how both employees and the organization fail to implement the compliance drive in the way it is planned. The shortcomings and the responses of the employees are supported by way of graphs.

Lastly, the positive impacts of compliance and negatives of non-compliance to IT security has been presented with the help of survey results conducted on major international companies from all sectors. A briefing of a standard compliance program is also attached with the paper in order to let the readers know of what should actually be there to make compliance a competitive advantage for an organization.

Organizations are feeling the heat of non-complaint behavior and process and technology issues leading to mammoth losses, both financial and organizational. Executing leadership in agreement with IT security policy and compliance is emerging as a challenge.

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Compliance in an organization runs through the policy planning component and automation centers (Elliot 2008). Security is an essential feature in most of the organizations today and compliance gives visibility to the processes and controls within an organization.

Keeping the importance of Information Security and its relevance in today’s market place and market space, the present paper aims to explore “The Impact of Compliance on an organization’s existing Information Security policy.”

1. How compliance as an essential component of information security policy originated? What best practices are being followed and an overview of the major acts that are in place to adhere to the compliance rules.

The research paper has tremendous scope of revealing the loopholes that exist in organizations and what remedial measures could be taken to put back things into original and desired manner.

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